What are the Design Timelines?  

After receiving and reviewing your Design Brief we require a minimum of 2 weeks to craft your project. You can help speed up the process by making sure you provide all the content and context you have!  

If you need publications or merchandise, this can take up to 4 weeks for us to craft, depending on the requirements. You will also need to consider production timelines (see below) so remember to work backwards from when you need your items delivered.  

HOT TIP: We recommend you promote your project for at least 2 weeks prior to the event date for maximum exposure for a project to be successful.

What are the Production Timelines?  

When it comes to merchandise or publications, we may need an additional week for suppliers to provide us with a quote based on your requirements. Only after everything has been approved by you can we begin production. Production times vary between suppliers and demand, so we require a minimum of 4 weeks to allow for any production delays.  

This means a project can take up to 6 weeks (about 1.5 months) to complete once the design process takes place. Remember to plan early!

Consider potential delays

Depending on what you are creating, unforeseen circumstances (hello global pandemic!) can mean it takes about 3–4 weeks for the design alone! Please give us plenty of time to design, source quotes and produce your items with you. Remember there may be non-design related logistics that need longer timings. Having the designs with you a month before you need them is great, but a longer timeframe is always better!   

Not what you're looking for? Or have a subject you would like to know more about? Suggestions welcome!